Transparent watercolour on Arches 640gsm cold-pressed paper. © W Roberts.
This work was inspired by the Hungarian/American watercolorist Ted Kautzsky. See 'mountains in watercolour' web page for further info and mountains in watercolour.
This work was inspired by the Hungarian/American watercolorist Ted Kautzsky. See 'mountains in watercolour' web page for further info and mountains in watercolour.
These most outstanding mountain and sea paintings were what initially drew my attention the great artistry of Wayne Roberts in the Australian Artist magazine about 12 or so years ago. The discovery of his website a couple of years later opened up a treasure trove of artworks and ideas that always leaves one with the feeling that there's something awesome lurking yet to be discovered. I love that feeling.
Thanks for that Wayne!
Agreeing with David here with regard to the "outstanding mountain" may I add a few other words of praise... magnificent, exceptional marvellous … had better leave it there…you are truly gifted!
Do you think if I keep the comments coming that some of it will rub off?
David, many thanks for your very kind comments on the mountain and sea paintings. [As I said I owe a great debt of gratitude to the late Ted Kautzky whose striking watercolours inspired me aged 13 & onwards.] I had no idea that my paintings published all those years ago (12) would be remembered this far on! Thanks too for your positive feedback on my website and for finding the idiosyncratic structure of it okay by you! -cheers & thanks ~W
Hi perugina!...thanks so very much for your generous, encouraging feedback! (I'll have to copy down those adjectives you showered upon me for 'rainy days'..)
Your present success in the Sydney exhibition is wonderful, and I think your blog has a considerable number of award winning works just waiting for the day, the exhibition, the judge with an eye for art infused with that enigmatic quality: 'spirit'. Your art has exactly that.
..thankyou and wishing you further success! ~W
Hey Wayne, no mistaking this masterpiece. Everytime I see someone trying to paint mountains, I direct them to your site. Some have thanked me for it, some have cursed me! I'll google Kautzky.
"Possible Blogger Terms of Service Violations"
Hi Wayne, checked in to see what was new tonight....and the above notice was flashed up as a warning.
Thought I'd let you know.
I was told not to proceed unless I knew what the content was that I'd be viewing on this blog... that's strange!
Hi PG and anyone else who saw this 'greeting' mentioned!
I have no idea why my blog tripped the robots to display this message - but they did apologise in advance saying that, not infrequently, blogs may be 'flagged' even though the blog turns out to be fine after human review. I had to wait until a 'human' at Blogger reviewed the blog! Looks like some kind soul at blogger HQ saw a watercolour of mountains and was as puzzled as I (and others were) as to why the 'flagging'!...
Maybe my photo of the National Museum of Australia looked to the robots like a spaceship or something?! Anyway, I'm just glad the kind folks or somebody at blogger has given the all clear so I can carry on with my blog:)
Thanks PG and others and hope that answers your questions:)
PS I spent a considerable time in edit mode on a post immediately before this message/lock-out occurred so maybe that did it? So from now on I'll just try and not take up so much of Blogger's on-line 'edit mode time' just in case that did it!!
Hi Wayne,
That's your excuse and you are sticking to it! LOL
Thanks for the explanation.
I’m surprised that you were able to get to the bottom of it all…so there are humans out there in blogger space controlling it all?…
So far so good…no other “close encounters” with bizarre messages.
All safe to proceed…
Hi Wayne,
That's your excuse and you are sticking to it! LOL
Thanks for the explanation.
I’m surprised that you were able to get to the bottom of it all…so there are humans out there in blogger space controlling it all?…
So far so good…no other “close encounters” with bizarre messages.
All safe to proceed…
(Oops -sorry PG I accidentally published your comment twice! --looks like I'm a real newbie here --it's true!)
Yes, believe it or not, there are actually humans out there!! It's very reassuring! I didn't really get an 'explanation' per se, but my blog was eventually unlocked and the message removed (after several days) so I just move ahead... grateful to someone! 'Thanks, human, whoever you are out there!!'! Thanks!
My blog is back -- now I just have to get some new posts happening!!
Wayne I come here by way of your link over at my site. An unexpected treat to find my way here to see what you have in the store. Your watercolor work is virtuosity.. and pretty damn impressive to boot! I checked out the work on your other site and was and am blown away. The outdoor work you put down on paper is in a class of its own.
Hi W.K. --thanks so much for kind words and also for that link over on your site.
Your paintings and writing W.K. > ...simply and complexly extraordinary! Your graphic commentaries on your paintings document and augment colour-saturated images already red-lining! ...the Bluesmobile 'throws a rod' but what the heck: Jake smear-wipes the smokey windscreen through dark shades, 'keeps his head', black hat in the jet-stream. All-the-while Elwood plants the pedal to the metal;)
Sweet Home Chicago;)
cheers & thanks, W
Dear W.K.,
..addendum/'Ctrl-Z' to my most recent comment (above) follows ..
Preface...For me the 'touchstone' of my art, writing, music.... is the 'intuitive guide'. (ahem, pls read on...)
On this occasion, that touchstone test seems to have failed but it only occurred to me after I was re-running it through my mind this afternoon: my comment/response (above) simply did not cut it, on this occasion. It did not satisfy my 'intuitive guide'. 'Something', (I hope 'sincerity' and a 'fine-tuning' to 'otherness') makes me write anew.
.. your art resonates on so many levels. I will choose one that seems apt to open a window on your world. Your paintings are like a play. There's a masterfully conceived 'script' with many subplots and asides, there's a tremendous sense of 'presence' and 'consciousness', almost 'Truman-Show voyeurism'... subject/object distinctions tossed-out, lost or subjugated. Peering discreetly from behind the curtains, moving from wing to wing via backstage, there is a humble playwright by the name of W.K. Moore, a wise soul steeped in the history of art and literature, a player within a play of his own devising and instrumentalities, choreographing the scenes from 'the walk of life'.
Thank you W.K. for provoking thought yet soothing the pain and the stresses of life through an-esthetic .
...'to The Alps' ... for you have set a truly lofty peak for 'all who would be artists' to set eyes upon!
best wishes ~W
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